Personal injury is a legal term that describes injury to the body, mind or emotions. In the medical world, personal injuries usually involve car accidents however falls and assaults as well as defect product accidents are also included in this term. Personal injuries can be quite serious and involve loss of limbs, broken bones, brain damage and severe burns however the most common injuries treated at Frisco Spinal Rehab involve the spine and soft tissues. Soft tissue injuries include damage to ligaments, muscles, spinal discs and tendons.
Many times personal injury cases involve a settlement and it may be important for your health care provider or doctor to be familiar with properly documenting these injuries. Soft tissue injuries can be more difficult to document because they are not as obvious as fractured bones and other impairments that can easily been seen. It is usually beneficial to the case if the treating doctor has a general understanding of the legal system and is willing to work with attorneys. Providing medical records that are all-inclusive and timely can make the attorney’s settlement efforts more efficient.
The chiropractors at Frisco Spinal Rehab understand how to properly diagnose and document personal injury cases. In addition, the professional staff is well versed in utilizing the current treatment options and making the proper referrals to trusted specialists.
If you have a personal injury case that involves soft tissue injuries or whiplash contact Frisco Spinal Rehabilitation today to schedule an examination and consultation.