You can heal. We can help.

Dr. Pollar Troy

Dr. Pollar Troy

1st Floor
Pediatrics Ward: Room 101

Assistent: Danny Monroe

Waiting time: 3 days

Emergency Number
0386 123 456
Make an Appointment
Monday – Friday
15:00 – 21:00
Saturday – Sunday
Not working
Lunch Break
16:45 – 17:15

About Me

World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony.

The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil. Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia. The fruit, rich. World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony.



Doctors Events and Timetable

FEB 28, 15:00
Doctors conference: Symptoms and causes of STDs

The 21st century is the golden age for surgical procedu res, among them an increasingly popular method of corrective eye surgery known as LASIK.


FEB 29 – MAR 15
Dr. Pollar is on vacation. All pacients are redirected to dr. Amy White.

APR 10 – APR 12
Dr. Pollar will be speaking as an abassador of Doctors without borders.

Frisco Spinal Rehabilitation

You can heal. We can help.

Office Hours

Monday                9-1 and 3-6
Tuesday               9-1 and 3-6
Wednesday          9-1 and 3-6
Thursday              9-1 and 3-6
Friday                   9-1